Sunday, 20 February 2011

Current market

Recently, there has been a boom in "boutique" music stores that cater to specific audiences.

There are also an increasing amount of new services popping up that enable musicians to sell their music directly to fans without the need for a 3rd party. These type of services usually use e-commerce enabled web widgets that embed into many types of web pages. This turns each web page into the musician's own online music store.

A more recent development allows the instant downloading of radio-songs, as they are broadcast, straight to a mobile phone in less than 60 seconds. This technical innovation from Sweden, called DROPme, represents a different channel and consumer behavior relative to the online services.

As of April 2008, one of the largest online music service is iTunes Store with around 80% of the market.[3] On April 3, 2008 iTunes Store surpassed Wal-Mart as the biggest music retailer in the US, a milestone in the music industry as it is the first time in history that an online music retailer exceeds those of physical music formats

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